Tuition and Policies for Aug ‘24-May ‘25
*Note that 30 and 45-minute classes are not eligible for being figured into multiple-class discount rates. For example, if you register for one 45-minute class and three 1-hour classes, your monthly installment payment will be $330 (or a pay-in-full discounted rate of $2,970).
Year: Pay in full for session upfront (best rate)
*1st of the Month: Pay in 10 installments – due 1st of each month Aug. through May
*Note that each payment is 1 of 10 installment payments, not a payment for that particular month of classes. Installment payments are withdrawn on the 1st of the month. When the 1st of the month falls on a weekend or bank holiday, payment is withdrawn on the closest preceding business day. Any declined payment not resolved within 5 days of first attempt to withdraw will incur a $25 late fee.
A non-refundable $50 registration fee will be charged upon acceptance of class registration. This fee is due once per August-May dance session. It will be charged regardless of when you first register within any August-May dance year.
A $75 per first class plus $25 per additional class performance fee will be charged Feb 1. This fee is to help cover production costs but does not include audience tickets for performances.
Each class will meet a total of 32 or 35 times, but the pay rate is set to cover 30 or 32 classes, to allow for the possibility of up to 2 class cancellations for 32-week class series or up to 3 class cancellations for 35-week class series (in case of inclement weather or other issue) without the need to schedule a make-up class. If additional class cancellations are necessary, make-up classes will be scheduled or that portion of tuition will be reimbursed. (This policy refers to the cancellation of the entire class by DancEast, not to individual absences.)
We do not offer individual make-up classes, as our classes tend to be fully enrolled, and they are structured to follow a session-long curriculum that does not accommodate drop-in students in a way that is fully comfortable or instructive for those students. Dancers are strongly encouraged to attend class each week. If a dancer must miss (for illness or another conflict) we recommend checking in with the instructor to ask if there are any exercises or skills they might practice between classes to stay up-to-speed on the activities of the class. We do not offer the option of a class video to students who miss class.
Enrollment in a class indicates a commitment to attend that class for the entire session, regardless of which payment plan chosen. Should you need to withdraw your child from class, notify DancEast via email (to before the 15th of the month for your child’s withdrawal to be effective by the 1st of the following month. We do not accept verbal requests for withdrawal. It is at DancEast’s discretion whether or not to offer any tuition refund/forgiveness, and we cannot offer tuition refund/forgiveness for the Aug-May dance session for any requests submitted after Feb 15th under any circumstances.
We will consider accepting late-enrollments in classes with available spots on a case-by-case basis. We do not pro-rate fees, but we will pro-rate tuition for accepted late enrollees.
Interested in private instruction with one of our DancEast Instructors? Please contact us directly and we will be happy to connect you with one of our instructors! Private lesson rate is $75/hour.
All policies are clearly explained in the enrollment agreement you sign off on when you register for classes at DancEast. We recommend referring to that agreement should any questions arise throughout the dance year. However, we are always happy to hear from you and encourage you to contact us with any questions and concerns, as well.